Starbucks: The Most Popular Coffee Shop in Korea
From the survey, it appears that Starbucks is the most popular coffee shop among the seven surveyed, followed by Coffee Bean and then Hollys Coffee. Mega Coffee is the most popular in terms of price and service, while Coffee Bean is the most popular in terms of user space.
The Korea Consumer Agency announced on the 1st that it surveyed 1,400 consumers aged 20 or older who used coffee shops within the past 3 months from April 7 to 15 this year on consumer satisfaction and usage of seven coffee shops; Mega Coffee, Starbucks, Angelinus, Ediya Coffee, Coffee Bean, Twosome Place, and Hollys Coffee.
Among the top seven coffee shops in sales, Starbucks ranked first in overall consumer satisfaction, Coffee Bean ranked second, and Hollys Coffee ranked third. The seventh place was Angelinus.
Consumer satisfaction was calculated by reflecting the satisfaction of the three major sectors of service quality, service products, and service experience, as well as the comprehensive satisfaction category such as overall satisfaction and satisfaction against expectation.
Mega Coffee topped the list in the "price and service" category and coffee beans in the "user space."
Hollys Coffee received evenly high scores as second place in the categories of "user space," "price and service," and "order and payment."
It was followed by Ediya Coffee and Twosome Place, Mega Coffee, and Angelinus.