The Top Reason Employees Move to Startups: Expectations for Various Work Opportunities

The Top Reason Employees Move to Startups: Expectations for Various Work Opportunities

Startups are often lauded for their high potential growth, and it seems that this is a big factor in why employees decide to leave their current jobs to join one. It's also interesting to note that, while many people expect to take a pay cut when they switch to a startup, this isn't always the case – in fact, nearly half of respondents said they received a higher salary at their new company.

Drama & Company, the operator of the total business platform "Remember," released the results of a survey of 500 people who moved from large, medium and small enterprises to startups.
The top reason they decided to move to a startup was "Expectations for various work opportunities (37.1%)."
It was followed by "monetary compensation (28.6%)," "work culture (12.7%)," "co-workers working together (6.8%)," "more work authority (6.2%)" and "other (1.3%)."
55.6% of the respondents cited "the company's growth potential" as the criterion for determining which startup to join.
"An individual's career goes with the company's growth", a respondent who participated in the survey said. "This is because as the company grows, more roles and opportunities arise, and as its contribution increases, its influence and rewards also increase."
Only 13.8% of respondents lowered their salaries when they moved to startups. 17.4 percent said they received a salary similar to that of the previous company, while 49.3 percent said they received a higher salary.
The percentage of respondents who said they received a much higher salary than before also reached 19.5 percent.
In the case of the "monetary compensation such as annual salary" item, there was a difference depending on the size of the company that the respondent previously worked for.
In the case of employees of large companies, the rate of considering annual salary as important was twice higher than that of employees of mid-sized and smaller ones.

After all, what is important to the turnover is the Upside potential. There is a time when everyone envies taking risks where the stakes are high. It is also something that you can do if you have room or confidence in your current situation.